Is Your Baby Ready for Baby Led Weaning? Find Out Now

baby led weaning

Baby-led weaning, or baby-led feeding, is an excellent method to introduce solids into your baby’s diet. But there’s no need to rush into this, so start with it only if you feel your baby is ready to take up this milestone. With baby-led weaning (BLW) you will gently transition your baby into the world of solid foods, starting with small portions of solids.

The recommended age to start BLW is six months. This is the same age that parents may start spoon feeding, which is the alternative method of introducing solid foods. One of the biggest benefits of the baby-led weaning method is that your child can get to experience all the various food textures and tastes and enjoy a wide food variety.

How Do I Know If My Baby Is Ready to Wean?

The decision to wean a baby from breastfeeding or bottle feeding is a personal and individual one that depends on several factors, including your baby’s age, development, and nutritional needs, as well as your family’s lifestyle and personal preferences. Here is how you know your baby is ready to start weaning:

  1. Age: Most physicians advise breastmilk or formula for the baby’s first six months of life and frequently for up to a year or longer. Although some babies could be prepared to begin weaning as early as four months, others might not be until they are a year or older.
  2. Interest in solid foods: Your baby may be ready to begin weaning if he or she is interested in solid foods and can sit up and eat them without choking.
  3. Reduced nursing or bottle feeding regularity: Babies may breastfeed or bottle feed less frequently or for shorter amounts of time as they become older and their nutritional demands change. This could suggest that they are all set to begin weaning.
  4. More independence: Your baby may be ready to begin weaning if he or she is displaying signs of greater independence, such as wanting to handle their own bottle.
  5. Sleep patterns: Your child may be ready to begin weaning if he or she is sleeping through the night without needing to be nursed or provided a bottle.

Is It Necessary to Wait for 6 Months?

For the first six months, you should focus on breastfeeding or bottle feeding exclusively, which involves giving just breast milk or formula and no other meals or beverages, including water, because breast milk and formula offer all the vitamins, minerals, and antibodies a baby needs for this crucial stage of growth and development.

However, if a baby is displaying readiness indicators, including sitting up without help, displaying interest in eating, and being able to keep their head up, they may be ready for solid foods before six months of age. It’s important to see your pediatrician in these situations to find out if your child is ready and what kinds of foods to introduce.

What Are The Signs My Baby is Ready for BLW

Contrary to conventional spoon-feeding, BLW encourages babies’ autonomy and self-reliance while simultaneously lowering the possibility of overfeeding and picky eating. However, it’s important to make sure your child is prepared for and capable of digesting solid meals before beginning BLW. Here are some signs to look for:

Good head and neck control

The first obvious indicator of going forward with the baby-led weaning (BLW) method is that your baby is finally able to have appropriate neck and head control. Babies must be able to sit up straight and hold their heads steady to eat solid meals safely. This contributes to avoiding choking during the swallowing process. Your baby might not be ready for BLW yet if they are still unsteady and can’t hold their head up for more than a few seconds.

Interest in food

An interest in food is an additional sign that your baby is prepared for BLW. When you’re eating, if your baby reaches out and grabs food or shows interest in what you’re eating, it could be time to introduce solids. However, it’s important to watch for other indicators as well because newborns may exhibit interest in food before they’re developmentally able to eat it.

Ability to grasp and bring food to the mouth

Being able to grip and bring food to the mouth is an essential part of BLW. Most babies have the pincer grasp by the time they are six months old, allowing them to pick up small things with their thumb and fingers. Your baby is probably prepared for BLW if they can do this and get the food to their mouth. However, if they’re still holding items in a fist or a palmar grasp, they might not be ready yet.

No choking

It’s important to know the difference between choking and gagging during BLW. So, to put it simply, gagging is a natural reflex that is about trying to expel food through the mouth by pushing the food forward. Choking happens when anything blocks a baby’s airway, causing the child to be unable to breathe. It is important to consult with your pediatrician before starting any new foods or feeding approaches for your baby.

Your baby is likely learning how to control their food if they are gagging during BLW. However, stop feeding the baby right away and get medical help if they are choking or having trouble breathing. To make sure you’re equipped to manage any emergencies, it’s crucial to complete CPR and choking first aid training before beginning BLW.

Adequate breastfeeding or formula feeding

The major source of nourishment during the first year of life should still be breast milk or formula, even if you start BLW at six months. If your baby is breastfed, he or she should continue to nurse on demand or have an appropriate amount of breast milk to put on the proper amount of weight. If your baby is being bottle-fed, he or she should consume the appropriate daily formula intake.

In a nutshell, your baby is ready for BLW if they have strong head and neck control, an interest in food, the capacity to grip and carry food to their mouth, no choking, and are receiving enough breastmilk or formula. Keep in mind that BLW should be introduced gradually, with foods that are appropriate for your baby’s age, and under close supervision to guarantee their safety and pleasure of eating.

What Are The Best Foods to Begin Weaning in Babies?

What Are The Best Foods to Begin Weaning in Babies?

When it comes to starting weaning in babies, it’s important to introduce nutrient-dense, age-appropriate foods that are easy to digest and pose minimal choking hazards. Here are some good options to begin weaning babies:

  1. Soft fruits and vegetables: For newborns’ first foods, bananas, ripe avocados, sweet potatoes, and cooked carrots are all wonderful choices. They are simple to digest, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and simple to cut into appropriate-sized pieces to suit the age and developmental stage of your baby.
  2. Iron-rich foods: Given its significance for both brain development and general growth, iron is a crucial mineral for babies. Chicken, turkey, and beef, as well as lentils, beans, and tofu, are excellent sources of iron for babies. Combine these meals with formula or breast milk to make them easier and more appealing to your baby.
  3. Baby cereals: Iron-fortified baby cereals are a fantastic source of nourishment for babies. To make a smooth and runny consistency appropriate for your baby’s age and developmental stage, you may combine them with breast milk, formula, or water.
  4. Plain whole-milk yogurt: For newborns, plain whole-milk yogurt is a healthy source of protein and calcium. Additionally, it has a lot of good bacteria that can promote your baby’s digestive health. You may serve it plain or add mashed fruit for flavor.
  5. Soft-cooked eggs: Another excellent source of iron and protein for babies is soft-cooked eggs. For the baby, you can boil an egg for approximately 6 minutes, or until the yolk becomes firm and the white is solid, and then mash it with a fork or chop it into little pieces. This makes the egg solid but not too hard, perfect for a baby just starting with solid meals.
  6. Smooth nut or seed butter: Smooth nut or seed butter, for example, almond or sunflower seed butter, can be a nourishing addition to your baby’s diet. To prevent allergic reactions, it’s important to pick a high-quality, unsalted, unsweetened nut or seed butter and introduce it gradually.

In conclusion, the best foods to begin weaning in babies include soft fruits and vegetables, iron-rich foods such as meats, lentils, beans, and tofu, baby cereals fortified with iron, plain whole-milk yogurt, soft cooked eggs, and smooth nut or seed butter.

Another important thing is to stay in touch with your baby’s pediatrician before you experiment with any feeding methods or food categories; it’s always good to be safe and proactive when it comes to the well-being of your child.

Tips to Smoothly Transition Your Baby to Solid Foods

Starting any new process with a baby can be difficult. Here are a few ways to help you smoothly transition your baby to solid foods:

Start baby-led weaning with single-ingredient foods

Introduce foods made from only one ingredient at first, like sweet potatoes or avocados, and then gradually introduce foods with more complex flavors and textures. By doing this, you can add new flavors and textures to your baby’s diet without overwhelming their digestive system.

Introduce new foods slowly

Don’t rush into things. You should ideally give a few days gap before introducing a new food item. Going gradual is the best strategy. It will enable your baby’s digestive system to get used to new meals and help you discover any potential food allergies or intolerances.

Offer small portions

Give your child little amounts of food (finger foods) and let them play and experiment with it. This will inspire children to try different foods and will also help them develop their fine motor skills.

Follow your baby’s cues

Watch for your baby’s signs of hunger and fullness, and let them choose how much they eat. Due to their tiny stomachs, babies may not consume much at first, but as they get more accustomed to eating solid meals, they will progressively increase the amount they eat.

Make mealtime fun and interactive

Sit down with your baby and interact with them throughout meals to make mealtime interesting and interactive. Make expressions at them, chat with them, and give them a variety of foods to try.

Don’t force your baby to eat

If your child isn’t hungry or interested in eating, don’t make them. Observe their signals and take a break if you need to.

Gradually decrease milk feeds

Reduce the quantity of milk feeds gradually as your child consumes more solid foods. This helps you ensure that they are getting the nutrients they require from solid meals as well as breast milk or formula.

What Are The Safety Tips During BLW?

Baby-led weaning (BLW) can be a fun and exciting way to introduce your baby to solid foods, but it’s important to keep safety in mind. Here are some safety tips during BLW you should follow:

Wait until your baby is ready

Before beginning BLW, make sure your child is roughly six months old and shows a willingness to eat solid meals. This will lessen the possibility of choking and assist in ensuring that they are developmentally prepared to handle solid meals.

Offer appropriate foods

Offer suitable foods that are simple to grab and swallow, such as softly cooked fruits, vegetables, and prepared meats. Foods that are tiny or spherical, hard or crunchy, heavy in salt, sugar, or fat, or that can become stuck in your baby’s throat should all be avoided.

Supervise your baby

Always supervise your baby during meals and stay within arm’s reach in case they choke. Don’t feed your baby when they are lying down or in a vehicle seat or while you are leaving them alone.

Allow your baby to explore

Allow your baby to play a little with their food, but keep an eye out for any symptoms of choking or discomfort. Encourage them to chew their food completely before swallowing by giving them tiny, frequent nibbles.

Cut food into appropriate sizes

Food should be prepared in portions and forms that are suitable for your baby’s hands and mouth. Do not give whole grapes, cherry tomatoes, or other tiny items that might create a choking hazard.

Know what to do in case of choking

Learn to spot the symptoms of choking and be prepared to act quickly in case an emergency happens. Attend a baby CPR course, and have emergency contact information close at hand.


When you start the baby-led weaning approach, there are many foods to choose from. Giving your baby any solid food for the first time can be a little nerve-wracking, but know that this self-feeding approach will not only get your baby used to eating solids but also reduce their chances of being a picky eater.

Before starting solid foods, you can have your baby join family meals where they just sit and watch everyone eat solid food meals. Then, once they show signs of readiness, you can slowly give them the same foods that you are eating. This is a great way of introducing solid food to your baby.

Stephanie Edenburgh

I'm Steph, a mom to 3 beautiful children and lover all things having to do with my family and being a mom. I've learned a lot raising my own children and working in education and healthcare roles throughout my career. Living in beautiful Southern California I enjoy documenting and writing about all of the hard work us mom's do on a daily basis.

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