Want to Be a Good Parent? Tips To Avoid Bad Parenting!

bad parenting

Parenting can be a very hard task. Nowadays, parents often wonder if they are having a positive effect on their kids’ lives. You, as a parent, must wonder what kind of effect your parenting style is having on your child and if you are taking the right steps or not.

While good parenting and a healthy upbringing result in improvement in your child’s physical and mental development, bad parenting leads to underdevelopment and other complications. Bad parenting should be avoided at all costs, as it can have harmful effects on your child’s whole life.

Bad parenting is not one single act; it is a series of actions that hurt your child. These actions may include, parents being overly strict, having little to no involvement in their child’s life, etc. All these actions may lead to your kid having negative self-perception as well as behavioral problems. If you find yourself falling into these bad parenting skills, you should immediately start working on improving your parenting style.

Are you struggling to distinguish bad parenting signs from your parenting style? Are you looking for tips to avoid bad parenting? Then you do not need to worry, as we will answer all of your questions in this article.

To create a healthy environment for your child, you need to acknowledge and recognize negative parenting skills and break free from the cycle. To do this, you need to allow an empathetic and honest conversation between you and your child so that a sense of mutual understanding grows between you two. Try implementing positive discipline strategies that promote self-discipline and emotional well-being.

Understanding Bad Parenting Patterns

All parents try to take steps while having the best interest of their child in their minds, but sometimes parents fail to recognize that their lazy parenting styles may be having a bad effect on their kids.

Bad parenting is a series of actions that result in lasting consequences on your child’s mental and physical well-being. These actions may include small punishments to more serious actions like child abuse that require professional help. Keep in mind that having an argument with your child or just having an overall bad day does not equate to you being a bad parent.

You should also understand that most parents have both positive and negative behavior as a part of their parenting skills. This is very normal, but you, as a parent, should work on eliminating those negative traits.

To understand bad patterns, you need to have an honest review of your parenting style. While doing so, make sure not to be overly critical of yourself as losing your temper once in a while does mean you have poor parenting skills. Following is a list of bad parenting signs that may help you detect poor parenting actions in your patterns:

Over Or Under Involvement In Your Child’s Life

Having too much or too little involvement in your kid’s life can lead to many issues. Underinvolvement leads to parents being so absent in their kid’s life that they are unable to provide them with basic necessities of life like food, clothes, shelter, etc.

On the other hand, being overinvolved in your kid’s life makes your child feel suffocated. Such parents are often referred to as helicopter parents.

Little Or No Discipline

Setting rules and boundaries is very important while raising a child. Discipline teaches proper behavior and also helps the child learn that their actions have appropriate consequences.

No discipline can lead to injuries, bad personalities, and often throw temper tantrums. On the other hand, being too strict can cause hindrance in your child’s mental growth. Some parents often use corporal punishment as a way of dealing with naughty children, these punishments have adverse effects on your child’s self-esteem.

Parents who use physical punishment with their kids use a technique called authoritarian parenting.

Withholding Affection And Attention

Some parents think that withholding affection is a great way of disciplining children. This is completely wrong, as taking such actions not only affects the child in the present but has a lasting effect on their confidence.

Such kids struggle with low self-confidence and often find it hard to express their needs. In addition, publicly or privately shaming your children and comparing them to others can lead to your child developing mental health problems like depression or anxiety.

If you spot any of these signs of bad parenting in your parenting routine, then you should work on gradually removing them. And try not to be overly stressed or critical of your parenting style, as everyone has their way of dealing with things.

The parenting journey can be very hard and tiring, overly stressing yourself won’t help anyone. And always remember that you can talk to professionals that can help you make the best decisions for you and your family.

Exploring The Impact Of Poor Parenting Style On Children

Bad parenting has everlasting effects on your kids’ life. Most kids develop mental health complications like aggression, anxiety, and depression. In addition, it is also said that children who experience bad parenting while growing up are more prone to misbehave.

In extreme cases of harsh parenting, children experience all kinds of abuse like, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and sometimes even substance abuse. As a result, such children easily develop psychological disorders that can ruin the child’s development in all factors of life.

In such situations, either the child or the parent needs to contact professionals to get help as soon as possible. Beyond these extreme cases, bad parenting can have the following effects on a child’s behavior:

Antisocial Behavior

Bad parenting can lead to kids developing antisocial behavior, this kind of behavior makes the professional and personal life of your child very difficult. Severe antisocial behavior can lead to poor health, alcohol abuse, and drug abuse. Children growing antisocial are more prone to show criminal behavior in their adult life.

Poor Resilience

Children learn to cope with different situations by seeing how their parents act in those situations. In the case of bad parenting, parents themselves find it hard to deal with negative feelings. As a result, children are unable to deal with such negative emotions themselves. Hence it is very important for parents to set good examples.


As mentioned above, harsh parenting often leads to your child developing mental health issues, one of which is depression. Actions such as low physical support, low emotional support, physical violence, etc. can cause depression.

Unable To Maintain Relationships

Studies show that children growing up in unhealthy environments find it very hard to maintain relationships when they grow up. This can be due to the feeling of low self-esteem. People having problems building relationships is a big sign of an unhealthy upbringing.

Why Is Self-Reflection Important For Personal Growth?

Why Is Self-Reflection Important For Personal Growth?

Self-reflection is the process of taking a moment to think about your actions, experiences, habits, and overall thoughts. This helps you to grow as a person and helps you understand your positive points as well as your shortcomings. It is crucial to understand that the purpose of self-reflection is not to beat yourself up for the mistakes you have made in the past, instead, it serves the purpose of you learning from your past mistakes.

Self-reflection plays a great role in your personal growth and turns you into a better person. To comprehend the significance of self-reflection following is a list of its benefits:

Gain Self-Confidence

Self-reflection provides a great boost to your confidence as it helps you to understand yourself better. It can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses as well as your thought process. As a result, you can have more control over yourself.

Spotting Patterns And Habits

Reflecting on your actions can help you spot different repeating actions in your daily life or behavior. These habits can either be good or bad. Knowing them can help you break away from bad habits and put an end to those patterns.

Improving Relationships

When you reflect on your behavior, you become more aware of your way of treating others, this can help you develop better communication skills, which leads to you better relationships.

How To Practice Self-Care And Stress Management:

Most parents find it very hard to take time out for themselves in their busy lives, but parents need to practice self-care as overly working yourself as a parent can lead to burnout, which is not only bad for you but also has an adverse effect on your family. Following are ways through which you can practice self-care:

  1. Spending time with friends and family and maintaining your social connections after having a child is important for your physical and mental well-being.
  2. Divide course within your family, this not only helps you to have some free time but also helps your child learn the importance of responsibilities.
  3. Sharing your struggles with your significant other is very important as they are the only ones who will truly understand your feelings and will be able to help you find a way to make things better.
  4. Try not to compare your parenting skills to other parents, as it will only result in stress and will cause more harm to your mental well-being.

Cultivating Effective Communication To Avoid Being A Bad Parent

It is very important for parents to cultivate effective communication with their children, as it helps parents to build close relationships with their children. This allows them to be aware of what is going on in their kids’ life. Good parent-child communication is a great indicator of a healthy household.

Irresponsible parents are often bad at communicating with their kids, children raised in such households have a harder time expressing themselves as compared to other children.

Communication aids parents in taking into account their child’s point of view and allows the child to speak to their parents when troubled instead of bottling up their feelings. Practicing effective communication helps you become a better parent.

Active Listening And Validation

While communicating with children parents should be all ears. Sometimes all a child needs are for their parents to listen to their problems. Furthermore, active listening makes kids feel loved and appreciated.

To practice active listening perform actions like making eye contact so your child feels heard, try not to interrupt them so that they know that you care about their opinions, and most importantly make sure to validate their feeling instead of judging them.

Create Safe Spaces For Expression

Your household should be a place where your children can completely express themselves without being judged. To create a safe space, try to be less judgmental and invasive.

Let your child talk about their emotions and how they felt in a certain situation. Even if that situation seems very small to you it may mean a lot to your child, so try to be more empathetic.

Building Trust And Connection

Trust is an important pillar of a relationship. For a kid to communicate with their parent, they need to trust their parents, to build that trust parents need to be more forgiving and less judgmental.

Communicating with your child also leads to the child developing a sense of respect and support for you, as you are now able to view things from your child’s perspective. Communication overall helps the parent and the child to be on the same team instead of the opposing one.


Many parents wonder if their parenting styles are good for their children. Bad parenting is not a single action but is a series of actions performed by a bad parent, which have harmful effects on their child’s life. These actions often have great effects on their mental and physical well-being. Signs of bad parenting include little to no discipline, under or over-involvement, withholding love and attention, etc.

These bad parenting traits have long-term negative consequences on a kid’s behavior like antisocial bad behavior, poor resilience, depression, etc. To avoid these parents, need to build good and healthy relationships with their children.

One way of doing so is by having effective communication, this helps your child to open up to you and share their struggles and also helps parents to strike that emotional rapport and understand their child’s feelings. In addition, it is very significant for a bad parent to self-reflect, as it helps in pointing out those signs of bad parenting in their own parenting techniques.

But while doing so, keep in mind to not be over-critical of yourselves and do not label yourselves as “bad parents” because of a few mistakes at the end of the day parents are just human beings, and it’s okay to make mistakes. If you are struggling with extreme cases of child abuse like emotional abuse, sexual abuse, or physical violence then you may need to seek professional advice immediately.

Stephanie Edenburgh

I'm Steph, a mom to 3 beautiful children and lover all things having to do with my family and being a mom. I've learned a lot raising my own children and working in education and healthcare roles throughout my career. Living in beautiful Southern California I enjoy documenting and writing about all of the hard work us mom's do on a daily basis.

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