Can Labor Start While Sleeping? Here’s What Could Happen…

can labor start while sleeping

Most women, especially when pregnant for the first time, wonder about their due date and delivery. A common question many of them have is about whether labor can start while sleeping, and the answer is yes. But not to worry, this is totally normal.

Most women experience mild contractions at night. Not only is it possible that your labor begins while you are asleep, but it is also possible to give birth under general anesthesia or even when you are unconscious. A lot of pregnant women feel Braxton hicks contractions in the evening, which reach high at night, and then labor starts.

Time and Day Women are Most Likely to Give Birth

There is no set time for giving birth. However, most women give birth during the day. Another interesting thing is that most babies are born on weekdays. To be exact, a high number of births are reported between 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. during weekdays.

Many practitioners believe that it is because many women go into induced early labor, probably by c-section, and they usually schedule them on weekdays. This could be because most hospitals have more staff on duty during the day, which may also be helpful if a woman wants to induce labor. It will obviously be more comforting to know that there will be enough doctors on hand in case things start to go south.

Is Labour Most Likely to Start at Night?

Although there is no right time for labor to start, research suggests that it’s more common for contractions to begin in the evening or at night. However, just because contractions start at night doesn’t mean most births also happen then. For many women, labor builds slowly and may start during the day and progress later in the evening. So, the time when labor starts is not a reliable indicator of when a baby will be born.

Can You Start Contractions in Your Sleep?

It is entirely possible for women to experience contractions while sleeping. Contractions are very normal and natural, and they aren’t bounded by the clock. They can happen early in the morning, during the day, or even at night. Sometimes, contractions wake up the mother from her sleep.

The body produces high levels of oxytocin, a hormone that triggers contractions during sleep, potentially contributing to the onset of contractions at night. Furthermore, when a woman is lying down, her uterus is positioned in a manner that may promote the initiation of contractions. This could be due to the way that gravity affects the uterus while in a horizontal position, making it easier for the uterus to contract. As a result, it’s not uncommon for women to experience contractions while asleep, especially during the later stages of pregnancy when the body is preparing for childbirth.

However, just because your contractions started during sleep does not mean you will surely go into labor. Sometimes the bodies practice contractions, or the uterine muscles just stop contracting once you get up or change positions. But, if you notice other labor signs, such as seeing your mucus plug or seeing amniotic fluid, Seeing your water break, or noticing that you are bleeding heavily, immediately contact your doctor.

Do You Have More Contractions at Night

Women are more likely to have contractions at night, especially in the evening hours and before sunrise. This might be caused by a number of causes, including higher amounts of oxytocin, the hormone that promotes contractions during the night. Also, when a woman lies down, her uterus is tilted sideways, and so the effect of gravity is also sideways. This can also cause the uterine muscles to contract, resulting in contractions.

If the contractions are accompanied by other factors such as amniotic sac rupture, a bloody show, water breaking, and mild to intense contractions, active labor might not be too far away.

What Factors Influence the Progression of Childbirth?

Childbirth is a complicated and highly personal experience that is easily affected by a number of circumstances. Here are some of the important components that might influence the process of labor and delivery:

Maternal age

Women younger than 35 usually have a shorter labor than those over 35. This is because they usually have higher uterine muscle tone and increased immunity, which helps decrease various medical complications.

Fetal size and position

The baby’s size and position affect how the labor progresses. If the baby is facing the mother’s abdomen, this is called a posterior position, and it may cause more intense and long-lasting back pain during labor. If the baby is in a breech position, meaning their feet are pointed downward instead of its head, the mother may need to have a c-section instead of a vaginal delivery. Also, if a baby is bigger in size, it will take longer to come out of the birth canal, which will result in much longer labor.


The contractions a woman feels during labor can affect how quickly the baby is born. For labor to progress, the contractions need to be strong, happen frequently, and last for at least 60 seconds. When the contractions are strong, it helps the cervix (the opening to the womb) to dilate, and this allows the baby to move down toward the birth canal.

If the contractions aren’t strong enough or don’t last long enough, the labor may take longer or not progress at all. So, strong and regular contractions are essential for the baby to be born safely and for the labor to go smoothly.

Cervical dilation

For the baby to easily come out of the birth canal, the cervix must dilate up to 10 cm. The degree of cervical dilatation fluctuates greatly, but in general, it is quicker in successive pregnancies and slower in a first-time mom.

Pain management

Pain can damage a woman’s willingness to deal with labor and may impede the birth process. Women who choose epidural anesthesia may have longer labors since the medicine weakens contractions and makes it more difficult to push successfully.

Medical interventions

There are different medical procedures that can be used to help a woman give birth. Sometimes, doctors may need to use interventions to make sure that the mother and the baby stay safe. For instance, if the baby is overdue or if there are medical issues, induction may be necessary. This means that the doctor will use medication or other techniques to start the labor process.

Additionally, in some cases, a c-section may be necessary if there are complications during labor or if the baby isn’t able to be born through the birth canal. It’s important to understand that these medical interventions are used to ensure the health and safety of the mother and baby, but they can also impact the progression of labor.

Emotional and psychological factors

Anxiety, panic, and stress can affect a woman’s ability to cope with labor and may inhibit the birth process. The pain and tension throughout birth become a little more bearable if the woman has someone to support her.

Each woman’s childbirth experience is unique, and numerous circumstances can impact the development of labor and delivery. Healthcare personnel will monitor the development of labor and make any changes needed to protect the mother and baby.

Can Sleeping Position Delay Labor?

There is limited research done on the relationship between sleeping position and the onset of labor. However, some studies suggest that certain sleeping positions may be associated with a delay in labor:

The angle in which a woman sleeps in late pregnancy (third trimester) might affect the length and severity of labor. Lying on your back (supine posture) during late pregnancy may raise your chances of having a longer first stage of labor and needing a c-section. This posture may trigger constriction of the inferior vena cava, resulting in a decrease in blood supply to the uterus and placenta, thus slowing down labor.

When compared to lying on the left side or in a prone (belly) posture during late pregnancy, lying on the right side may result in a lengthier first stage of labor. When you sleep on the right side, the baby can rotate in a tilted position, which can make it harder for the baby to pass through the birth canal. This causes a longer delivery period.

One must understand that there is not enough research done on the topic and that more work needs to be done to identify the relationship between sleeping positions and contractions. There are other concerns that can affect labor along with sleeping positions. The one thing women must focus on is getting as much sleep as they can and having a healthy sleep-wake cycle. If they have concerns about the onset of labor, they should speak with their healthcare provider for guidance and support.

What to Do if You Go into Labor While Sleeping

What to Do if You Go into Labor While Sleeping

Going into labor while sleeping can be a surprising and unexpected experience for many pregnant women. If you suddenly wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning with contractions, here are some steps to take:

Time your contractions

Time your contractions to check whether they’re consistent and increasing or not. Use a timer or a phone app to record how long every contraction lasts and how spread out they are. If you notice that your contractions are less than 5 minutes apart and last for one minute, you are going into labor.

Contact your healthcare provider

Inform your healthcare practitioner that you are in labor and plan your next moves. They will either tell you to come to the hospital or birthing center immediately, or they may recommend that you wait at home until your contractions become more frequent.

Try to relax

Know that labor will be a long and tiring process, especially if it is your first baby. Try to stay calm and relaxed. Don’t worry much about the delivery, and try different calming techniques. Listen to some calming sounds or try breathing exercises to manage the pain.

Get ready to go to the hospital

If you feel contractions getting too strong or your doctor tells you to come to the hospital, get ready. Pack a bag of essentials, including toiletries, extra clothes, pillows, blankets, and wipes. Have some snacks at hand too and bring in any necessary documents or papers.

Consider pain relief options

If your contractions are too intense, they can affect your ability to have a smooth birth. So, you need to contact your doctor and see what pain relief options are available. Depending on your situation, they may recommend pain medication, epidural anesthesia, or other methods to help manage the pain.

Bottom Line

Labor does not follow a clock and can begin at any time of the day. While it is more common for mothers to give birth during the day, the process of labor can very well start at night, and active labor could be reached by the morning. But just because it is more common does not mean that your delivery will be like that. In fact, you may not have any contractions or labor pains at all (yes, it is possible).

Remember, every labor and delivery is unique, and it’s important to follow your healthcare provider’s guidance and make decisions that feel right for you and your baby. Do not be afraid to seek guidance and help from your healthcare professional if you have any problems or issues.

Stephanie Edenburgh

I'm Steph, a mom to 3 beautiful children and lover all things having to do with my family and being a mom. I've learned a lot raising my own children and working in education and healthcare roles throughout my career. Living in beautiful Southern California I enjoy documenting and writing about all of the hard work us mom's do on a daily basis.

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