Can You Ovulate Without A Period? [CONFUSION ANSWERED]

can you ovulate without a period

Periods are considered a giveaway of one’s health. Unfortunately, discussion about the menstrual cycle is still considered a taboo in many areas; therefore, a lot of information regarding them is not known to the general public, even to women. Many women have irregular periods, and those women have more health concerns than others. A common question that women with irregular cycles have is: Can you ovulate without a period? That will be answered here.

Even though ovulation and menstruation are closely intertwined, it is possible  to ovulate without experiencing a period. This is common in women who have irregular cycles. On the other hand, monthly bleeding without ovulation is also possible. The bleeding, as a matter of fact, is not menstruation but the result of an anovulatory cycle. Typically, this occurs when the uterine lining thickens to the point that it becomes unsteady and spontaneously sheds.

Ovulation normally takes place approximately 14 days before the beginning of the following menstrual period in a typical 28-day menstrual cycle. Nevertheless, the duration of each person’s cycle and the interval between ovulation and the beginning of the following menstrual period may change.

If, much like most women, you do not have a 28-day monthly cycle, keeping a menstrual calendar can help you keep track of how long your cycle is and when you’re more likely to ovulate. The egg is released when the follicle bursts and travels down the fallopian tube, where it’s fertilized after 12 to 24 hours. While periods regularly indicate an ovulation cycle, there are some rare cases where ovulation and periods work separately.

Ovulation is the cause of periods, so it’s unusual, but not inconceivable, to ovulate without getting them. The absence of your menstrual cycle might be brought on by things like uterine scarring or pregnancy:

  • Your uterus may be scarred if you’ve undergone a dilatation and curettage (D&C) operation, a C-section, or if you suffer from a reproductive disease. If this is the case, the typical thickening of the uterine lining that usually takes place after your monthly ovulation does not happen. You can ovulate without getting a period, or your period might be short.
  • You can also ovulate without having your period if your ovaries discharge an egg 12 to 16 days ahead of when your period is due to start.

The average woman’s cycle lasts between 23 and 35 days. However, cycle duration can vary. A cycle that falls beyond the “normal” range—those that are less than 21 days or longer than 35—is deemed irregular. As they are closely related to one another, these cycles normally occur as a result of the ovulation process.

Periods and Ovulation: What’s The Link?

The egg discharge from the ovaries is known as ovulation. A woman is born with all her eggs. When an egg is discharged, the male sperm fertilizes it. If not, this egg will pass down the fallopian tube and will be discharged, which is commonly referred to as a period. When a woman enters menopause around age 50, this cycle often stops. A woman will ovulate 300–400 times over her lifetime.

When your period begins, your menstrual cycle starts over. The follicular phase, during which the egg develops and is subsequently released during ovulation, begins at this time.

The follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is released by your body during the follicular phase, aids in the maturation and preparation of the egg in your ovaries for discharge.

When the egg is fully developed, your body produces a large amount of luteinizing hormone (LH), and the follicle bursts open, releasing the mature egg. Ovulation typically occurs between day 14 and day 16 of the cycle, 28 to 36 hours following the LH surge.

The luteal phase begins after ovulation. In the event of pregnancy, hormones will prevent the uterine lining from shedding. Otherwise, the uterine lining will start shedding on or around day 28 of the menstrual cycle, starting the next stage of the process.

Regular Vs. Irregular Periods

Regular menstrual cycle:

Every woman has a different menstrual cycle, which is measured from the first day of her period until the following one. Normal menstruation can happen between 21 to 35 days and can last anywhere from two to seven days.

“Regular” is, in a broad sense, the cycle that is common for you. Every woman can have a different “regular” period.

Irregular menstrual cycle:

If the time between the beginning of your periods (the menstrual cycle) fluctuates, you have irregular menstruation. Menstrual cycles typically last 28 days; however, they might be a little shorter or longer than that.

If your cycle comes in before 21 or after 35 days, it is irregular. Irregular menstrual cycles can lead to female infertility, affect the fertile window or the hormonal balance, and lower the chances of pregnancy.

What causes irregular menstrual cycles?

Menstrual cycle irregularities can result from a variety of factors, such as:

Breastfeeding or pregnancy: Missing menstruation might be a symptom of an early stage of pregnancy. Normal menstrual cycle resumption after pregnancy is frequently delayed by breastfeeding.

Losing weight, eating disorders, or overexertion: Severe weight loss, intensive physical activity, as well as Eds, like anorexia nervosa, can interfere with menstruation. Keeping tabs on the body mass index can help you with maintaining and tracking your weight. 

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): Too many androgens are secreted by female bodies with PCOS. Androgens are often considered to be “masculine” sex hormones. The fallopian tubes’ ability to grow and discharge mature eggs can be hindered by an excess of androgens.

The majority of women with PCOS, which negatively impacts up to 21% of them, have infertility due to irregular ovulation. PCOS may be a hereditary illness, but lifestyle choices like being overweight and inactive can also cause it. Women who suffer from this prevalent endocrine system problem may also experience an irregular period.

Premature ovarian failure: The lack of healthy ovarian function before the age of 40 is referred to as premature ovarian failure. Primary ovarian insufficiency, another name for premature ovarian failure, is a condition that causes women to have irregular or sporadic periods lasting years.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): Menstrual irregularities may result from a disease of the reproductive glands.

Uterine fibroids: Non-malignant growths in the uterus are known as uterine fibroids. They may result in extended and heavy menstrual cycles.

Hormonal imbalance: The regular menstruation cycle might be thrown off by variations in the levels of progesterone and estrogen in the body. Young girls going through puberty and people nearing menopause sometimes experience irregular periods because of this.

Perimenopause: During perimenopause, a woman’s levels of estrogen and progesterone gradually decrease. Before their total shutdown, which marks menopause, this results in irregular ovulation and menstruation. Perimenopause generally lasts four years, although some women may experience it for much longer. Perimenopause symptoms might include:

  • Night sweats
  • Irritability
  • Hot flashes
  • Irregular periods

Thyroid disorder: Your thyroid, a little butterfly-shaped gland located at the bottom of your neck, aids in the control of hormones that affect, along with other factors, menstruation, and ovulation. Some peer-reviewed studies show that irregular periods affect approximately 14% of teenage females with thyroid issues.

In addition to hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, other signs of an overactive thyroid include:

  • Fuzzy thinking
  • Weight fluctuations (Low or high body weight)
  • Abnormal metabolic and cardiac rates

Ovulation with Periods

Ovulation with Periods

In women with regular periods, ovulation starts around 14 days before the period (loss of blood) occurs. It might vary from woman to woman.

Ovulation tracking and prediction methods:

Monitor data

Try to remember the following details to monitor ovulation:

  • Your period’s timing
  • Details about your menstrual blood 
  • Details about your cervical mucus
  • Your Basal Body Temperature measurements
  • Physical variations including breast discomfort, bloating, pain, or cramps
  • Additional relevant and important information, like your energy levels, sex drive, blood pressure levels, and mood swings.

Any calendar or diary will work to keep track of ovulation. You may find a variety of downloadable menstrual cycle tracking templates online. Fertility charts are another choice. They have you chart your daily surface temperatures, allowing you to see the rise in your BBT once ovulation ends. Finally, there are a variety of apps available to assist you in tracking your cycle.

Home ovulation tests

The majority of at-home ovulation tests check the level of LH in your urine, which is a generally accurate indicator of ovulation. There are many tests available, including:

  • Ovulation testing: This kind of test keeps tabs on the status of your reproductive system on the test day. Similar to a pregnancy test, it involves peeing on a stick to determine if you are fertile or not. There are many digital versions too.
  • Ovulation predictor kits: To identify when you are most fertile, predictor kits test and monitor your levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) over many months. Outside of menstruation, this test normally necessitates regular urine testing, much like in pregnancy tests.
  • BBT monitors. You can take your temperature externally every day and log the results in a diary or app.
  • Saliva testing: Saliva testing can tell you when you’re getting ready to ovulate. These tests, unfortunately, are often less reliable than urine testing. They usually work best when administered first thing in the morning, consistently over many months.
  • Fertility testing kits: At-home fertility testing kits provide you and your spouse with a complete picture of your fertility. In addition to assessing reproductive chemicals such as LH in urine, like in pregnancy test kits, they can also evaluate sperm quality from the man.

Ovulation without periods

As it was mentioned before, it’s possible to ovulate without a period. Even though ovulation is the reason why periods happen in the first place, it is possible to undergo ovulation without them.

Ovulation without a period during different stages of life:

Teenage years: Skipping or having irregular periods is normal, especially in the first two years after a female begins to get her period. Most of the time, a teen who has irregular periods still ovulates, but not on a consistent timetable. Every girl has the potential to ovulate at a different time from cycle to cycle, especially those with irregular cycles.

Adulthood: Ovulation without a period is normal for many adults who have irregular cycle or a certain underlying medical condition.

Perimenopause: Perimenopause causes the female hormones released to decrease, which can affect ovulation such that it slows down, but the process is still there. Unless someone hasn’t had a period for over 12 months, they should consider themselves ovulating regularly.

Menopause: After menopause, there is no ovulation or periods. The reproductive system completely shuts down.


Ovulation can occur without any subsequent bleeding, such as menstruation. This frequently happens as a result of past uterine scarring or certain hormonal medicines.

Treatment for irregular menstrual cycles:

While an irregular menstrual cycle usually occurs due to hormonal imbalances, there could be other reasons for the irregularity. There are ways to, if not completely cure, improve an irregular cycle.

Check your diet

Your hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal glands may get overworked if you eat too little or don’t obtain the correct combination of nutrients. Your menstruation may be impacted by the hormonal levels that these glands control in your body.

Avoid a low-carb diet

Lack of carbohydrates might result in irregular or even skipped menstrual periods (amenorrhea). Low-carb diets have been linked to thyroid dysfunction and decreased leptin levels. Leptin is a hormone that fat cells make to assist in controlling reproductive hormones.

If you follow a 2,000-calorie diet, experts advise ingesting 225 to 325 grams of carbohydrates each day. This indicates that between 45 and 65 percent of the daily caloric intake should come from carbs.

Don’t consume a lot of fiber

Fiber may reduce the levels of:

  • Progesterone.
  • Luteinizing hormone and estrogen (LH).
  • FSH.

These hormones are crucial to the body’s reproductive cycle. Therefore, consuming too much fiber can interfere with ovulation, resulting in missed or delayed periods.

Check your fat intake

Ovulation and hormone concentrations may be supported by eating enough fats. PUFAs, or polyunsaturated fatty acids, are believed to have the biggest impact.

Check your folate levels

In the second phase of menstruation, elevated progesterone levels and regular ovulation are reported to be promoted by folate. This could encourage pregnancy.

You should avoid an intake of more than 400 micrograms (mcg). Your medical history can result in a prescription of 800 mcg or more.

Incorporate dietary supplements

Several supplements may help you have regular menstrual cycles by boosting your hormone levels or correcting nutritional shortages.

A healthcare professional must always be consulted before using any supplements.

Supplements can be purchased over the counter without the need for a prescription from any doctor, but they are not subject to FDA regulation (FDA).

Keep a healthy weight

Your body weight may have an impact on your menstrual cycle, but it’s unclear exactly how weight influences menstruation.

Some sources claim that having painful menstruation is also more common if you are overweight. According to 2017 research, being overweight may lower your chances of getting pregnant.

Exercise often

Regular exercise has several advantages, including reducing PMS symptoms and unpleasant periods.

Try to do around 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity each day, such as walking, jogging, cycling, or swimming, to help with symptoms.

Remember that vigorous exercise can also alter your cycle by causing your menstruation to stop or be delayed.

Use birth control pills

To cope with irregular periods, doctors frequently recommend birth control medication.

Although there are several products, they all function to stabilize hormone levels. They could also control periods and ease symptoms like excruciating cramps or acne. Some products may completely stop menstruation.

When to visit a doctor 

While stress, as well as other lifestyle factors, can occasionally affect your menstrual cycle, persistent irregularity may indicate an underlying medical concern. Consult a medical professional if

  • You have not had a period in three months.
  • You get your period sooner than every 21 days or less frequently than every 35 days.
  • Your cycles last longer than a week.
  • You use up one or more sanitary products every hour.
  • You pass clots that are at least the size of a quarter.


Periods are brought on by ovulation, so it ‘s rare but not impossible to ovulate without experiencing them. You may not have a menstrual cycle if you have uterine scarring or have just given birth, but can experience ovulation nonetheless. This can happen at various stages of life and each stage will have its own requirements, but it is completely safe and quite normal. 

Know that this is normal

There are many people out there who deal with period irregularities daily. Not having periods regularly or not having periods at all (known as primary amenorrhea or secondary amenorrhea) is more common than one would think.

While it may affect your fertile window a little, you can still ovulate and have a healthy pregnancy. It is still advised that you incorporate certain medications into your everyday diet and seek professional medical advice to have a regular menstrual cycle. This will also help you get pregnant and has a positive effect on your overall health.

Stephanie Edenburgh

I'm Steph, a mom to 3 beautiful children and lover all things having to do with my family and being a mom. I've learned a lot raising my own children and working in education and healthcare roles throughout my career. Living in beautiful Southern California I enjoy documenting and writing about all of the hard work us mom's do on a daily basis.

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