What Does The Dye Stealer Pregnancy Test Mean? [ANSWERED]

dye stealer pregnancy test

A dye stealer pregnancy test is when there is so much HCG (the hormone that is produced in pregnancy) in the mother’s body that it steals away the color of the pregnancy test. This results in a black line on the test. Many women wonder what it means to get a dye stealer pregnancy test, and that is what we will answer here.

When you get a dye stealer pregnancy test, you will see that the control line, which is used to check the credibility of the test kit, is a faint line as compared to the test line. Higher HCG levels in the blood make the test line darker, and if this happens early on in the pregnancy, you might be carrying twins. The more HCG hormone in your blood, the darker the test line will be .

Does a Dye Stealer Mean Twins?

A dye stealer is when there is so much HCG in the mother’s body that the test line absorbs the dye from the control line. When a woman is pregnant with twins, she has more HCG in her body, which can be detected by the dye stealer. However, the dye stealer pregnancy test is not a 100% accurate predictor of twin pregnancy. A twin pregnancy is just one of the reasons you might get a dye stealer.

Do Twins Make Pregnancy Test Darker?

When you are carrying twins, you will have high HCG levels in your body, which is detected by the pregnancy test line. Higher HCG levels will make the test line darker because it can absorb the color from the test line. As a result, a twin pregnancy can make the pregnancy test line darker. This is also known as the dye stealer test.

Signs and Symptoms of a Twin or Multiple Pregnancy

Your body starts undergoing changes as soon as fertilization happens. Although the physical manifestations of these changes might happen a little later, the chemical changes begin almost immediately. The chemical changes cause the first signs of pregnancy, and they may be a little different for those who are carrying two or more babies. Many women feel these changes, especially if they have been pregnant before, and get a feeling that they will have twins before any medical confirmation, while some women don’t have any idea about it until they are informed by a doctor. It’s all completely normal since everyone’s pregnancy is different.

Even so, there are ways by which your body might indicate that you are carrying more than just one child. Some of those signs and symptoms are:

Severe morning sickness

Although there is no clear reason why pregnant women get morning sickness, most women have reported it starting around the third or fourth week of pregnancy. It is suggested that the HCG levels might be the cause of morning sickness. The higher the HCG level is, the worse the morning sickness will be .

You can probably put two and two together and realize that if twins mean higher HCG levels, that would also mean worse morning sickness. Then again, morning sickness varies from woman to woman; where some might have high-intensity morning sickness while carrying a single child, others might have slight or even no morning sickness, despite carrying multiples.

Another important thing to know is that severe morning sickness does not always means that you are pregnant with twins. You might have hyperemesis gravidarum, which can lead to a chemical pregnancy if not brought under control. If you notice yourself losing weight and experiencing extreme vomiting, immediately contact your doctor.

Constant fatigue

Another sign of carrying twins or multiples is severe and constant fatigue. This also starts around the same time as morning sickness, around your first missed period, and is persistent and intense. This can also be due to HCG levels or other reasons; growing more than one baby, work or household chores, sleeplessness, and morning sickness can also be at play.

Constant fatigue is not a confirmation of a multiples pregnancy. It may just be because of your routine, your habits, or even your diet. It is recommended that if you find yourself fatigued and tired all the time, you should include healthy foods in your diet, take proper rest, and include some exercise in your routine to have a healthy pregnancy.

High levels of HCG

HCG is released during pregnancy and brings about many of the chemical changes needed for a healthy pregnancy. The home tests that many women use work by detecting this hormone. If detected, you get a positive pregnancy test. If not, you get a negative one. While this pregnancy hormone can cause a dye stealer pregnancy test, it sometimes does not. However, blood tests can show the level of HCG in your blood.

Your blood tests will show that your HCG levels are higher than normal if you are carrying multiples. Your obgyn can help you identify whether your HCG levels are high or not.

Heartbeat count

A Doppler system is a commonly used device used to detect heartbeats in pregnant women. It is able to amplify heartbeats as early as the end of the first trimester. A professional can easily distinguish between one and two fetal heartbeats, and this may indicate twins or multiples. This method gives more accurate results during the second or third trimesters because

  1. a second heartbeat could be the baby’s heartbeat from another angle or even an echo of the heartbeat.
  2. the mother’s heartbeat can produce background noise, which can make it harder to detect how many fetal heartbeats there are.

Usually, a mother’s heartbeat is not mistaken as a second fetal heartbeat because of the difference in power and intensity.

Height of uterus

During pregnancy, healthcare providers measure the height of the mother’s uterus to estimate how far along she is in the pregnancy and to monitor the baby’s growth. If a mother is carrying two or more babies, her uterus may grow larger than if she was only carrying one baby. However, other factors can also cause the uterus to be larger. It is difficult to accurately measure the uterus earlier in pregnancy, but later on, an ultrasound can confirm the presence of twins. If a mother has been pregnant before, she may show signs of pregnancy earlier than expected.

Fetal movement

This might be the most thrilling part of pregnancy. Being able to physically feel your baby developing is nothing short of amazing. The little bumps and kicks are the best pregnancy symptoms. The first signs of fetal movement, also called quickening, usually happen between four and six months and can happen even earlier in a woman who has been pregnant before. Women with twins or multiples have claimed to feel earlier or stronger fetal movements, but this is not always the case. There are several reasons for this:

  • Each pregnancy is different, and just because the mother thinks she feels more fetal movement does not mean there actually is more movement.
  • What feels like fetal movement can also be gas.
  • Due to hormonal changes and the excitement of pregnancy, many women may think they detected some movement without there actually being any.

Faster weight gain

Weight gain during pregnancy is an important factor that will directly affect the health and well-being of both the mother and the fetus. During the first trimester, weight gain is generally low, and the recommended amount is between one and four pounds. In the second trimester, weight gain typically occurs at a faster rate, regardless of whether the mother is carrying a single baby or multiples. If a mother is gaining weight more quickly from the get-go, it is important to speak with an obgyn to evaluate possible causes or concerns. Early intervention and monitoring can help to ensure a healthy pregnancy and positive outcomes for both the mother and baby.


This is not really a symptom of carrying twins as much as it is a confirmation. In fact, this is the only real way to confirm a twin pregnancy. Your doctor will monitor your chemical levels and then decide on ultrasound dates for whatever is right for you. With an ultrasound test, you can confirm whether you are carrying a single or multiples.

Do Twins Show up on Pregnancy Test Sooner?

Do Twins Show up on Pregnancy Test Sooner

No, twins do not show up on a pregnancy test any sooner than a single pregnancy. Pregnancy tests work by detecting the level of HCG in the urine or blood, which is produced by the placenta after the egg is fertilized in the uterus. In most cases, the level of HCG is not higher in twin pregnancies during the early stages, so a pregnancy test will usually give the same result whether the mother is carrying one or multiple babies. However, a mother carrying twins may have higher levels of HCG later in the pregnancy, which can cause her to have more severe symptoms and potentially lead to complications during pregnancy.

At What Week Does an Embryo Split Into Twins?

The splitting of one embryo into two separate embryos, resulting in identical twins, is a rare occurrence that happens spontaneously during early development. It occurs in about 1 in 250 pregnancies. The timing of when the embryo splits can vary, but it typically happens during the first two weeks after fertilization, when the embryo is still in the blastocyst stage.

During this stage, the embryo is a hollow ball of cells that is made up of two different collections of cells:

  • the inner cell mass that is responsible for the formation of the fetus
  • the outer cell mass that is responsible for the formation of the placenta and related structures

If the inner cell mass splits into two separate groups of cells, each group can go on to develop into a separate embryo. The result is identical twins who share the same DNA material and traits.

However, not all twins are identical. Fraternal twins, who come from two separate eggs fertilized by two separate sperm, can develop if a woman releases two eggs during ovulation. Fraternal twins are more common than identical twins.

Elevated HCG Levels in Pregnancy Test

Having high HCG levels during pregnancy is not harmful most of the time, as every woman carries pregnancy differently. It could be because the woman is carrying twins or triplets, and in some rare cases, even more. However, sometimes higher HCG levels can cause a chemical pregnancy or could indicate Down’s syndrome. It can also indicate a few other problems.


High levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) during pregnancy may indicate gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD), which is a rare condition where abnormal cells grow in the uterus. GTD may cause cancerous or benign growth. Treatment for GTD depends on the mass of the cells and whether they are cancerous or benign.

The get rid of these cells, there are two procedures that can be done. One is called dilation and curettage. As the name suggests, a surgical vacuum sucks up the mass of abnormal cells, while the few that are left behind are scraped away. Alternatively, a doctor may recommend a hysterectomy, which involves removing the uterus.

After the removal of the cells, one might need to undergo more treatment for proper recovery. This happens if HCG levels are still high after the surgery. It is important that you seek medical advice if HCG levels are higher than expected or if there are any concerns about abnormal cell growth in the uterus during pregnancy.


High HCG levels can also mean that you have preeclampsia. It is a pregnancy-related disease in which there is sudden swelling and a spike in blood pressure. Women who suffer from preeclampsia have a high HCG level in their blood. Treatment for preeclampsia involves close observation and medication to maintain blood pressure and reduce the risk of seizures. Women with mild preeclampsia may be able to have a normal pregnancy, but if it develops after the eighth month, doctors may order a C-section or a forced delivery. Preeclampsia is a serious condition that requires medical attention, and pregnant women should seek medical advice if they notice any symptoms, such as sudden high blood pressure or swelling.

Molar Pregnancy

High HCG levels can also mean that you have a molar pregnancy, which is a rare abnormality. The chances of having a molar pregnancy are 1 in 1000. It is caused by a DNA mix-up in the sperm or egg, which changes the development of the inner cell mass into a mere non-cancerous mass. Molar pregnancy symptoms include high blood pressure, severe morning sickness, low iron levels, hyperthyroidism, increased uterine growth, random dark brown or red spotting or bleeding, and preeclampsia. A sonogram and pelvic exam can help to identify this condition.

If the pregnancy is not viable after twelve weeks, your doctor will suggest removing the mass through a surgical procedure called dilation and curettage. If you do undergo a molar pregnancy, you will still need to get your HCG levels checked even after the mass is removed. Also, you will not be able to have a safe pregnancy for another six to twelve months. The molar tissue can cause complications even after being removed. This is because once it starts growing, it will continue to grow and may even result in cancer. In about 20% of cases, chemotherapy is required to lower HCG levels. If the mother decides that she no longer wants to have children, the doctors might even consider a hysterectomy for the complete removal of the uterus.

Bottom Line

A dye stealer pregnancy test happens because of high levels of HCG hormone in the blood. There are many reasons why the HCG hormone could be found in high amounts in your body, but the most common reason is usually that you are carrying multiples. A blood test is the most reliable way to figure out the exact levels of HCG. Many times, the first test shows normal results, but as the pregnancy progresses, the HCG level rises and results in a dye stealer pregnancy test. This really just depends on the kind of pregnancy you have. Remember that every pregnancy is different, and yours will be, too. Focus on yourself and your child, and do whatever you can to have a safe and healthy pregnancy.

Stephanie Edenburgh

I'm Steph, a mom to 3 beautiful children and lover all things having to do with my family and being a mom. I've learned a lot raising my own children and working in education and healthcare roles throughout my career. Living in beautiful Southern California I enjoy documenting and writing about all of the hard work us mom's do on a daily basis.

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