When Can You Get Pregnant After an Abortion? Risks & Chances

when can you get pregnant after an abortion

If you have gone through a traumatic experience of abortion, you must be concerned about fertility or future pregnancy possibilities. You may be contemplating what happens next after a recent abortion. Can I become pregnant again? Does this abortion affect future pregnancies? Would I suffer from serious complications after the abortion? All of these queries are genuine and critical to answer. Regardless of the reasons for an abortion, knowing how the procedure may affect future fertility is the key.

The fertility time after pregnancy termination varies from one woman to another, since everybody is different. Your body requires time to heal and recover after an abortion, both physically and psychologically. Past abortions often don’t affect fertility or subsequent pregnancies since you can get pregnant as soon as two weeks later. 

For people who get pregnant after an abortion, the likelihood of future pregnancy complications is low. No further steps in conceiving are necessary, but holding off on becoming pregnant for at least one menstrual cycle is advised. Before starting your journey toward future pregnancies, give yourself the time to recover and rebuild your strength.

How Long Does It Take For The Body To Heal After An Abortion?

Every woman is different and so is the healing time after an abortion. Normally the body needs a couple of weeks to recover. You may experience abdominal cramps, nausea, and headaches due to the leftover pregnancy hormones during this time. 

Consult your doctor for guidance about switching from tampons to sanitary pads, avoiding vigorous activities, and, most importantly, when to try to conceive.

Emotional healing is also important and may take time. During this time, feeling depressed, anxious, or upset is normal. Every woman’s emotional journey is different, and you should understand that emotional healing is important. Treating yourself kindly and caring for yourself during this period is the key. Your health must be your priority; you deserve the compassion and care needed to recover at your own pace. You should seek help when needed.

How Fertile Am I After An Abortion?

Usually, a few weeks after an abortion, ovulation, and fertility are restored. You may also ovulate before your upcoming period, and you can get pregnant without having a period.

However, there are some peculiarities, as every woman is different and will have a different fertile window. The time it takes to restore fertility might vary depending on your general health, underlying medical disorders, and your body’s natural healing process. 

It mostly relies on some factors, including the kind of abortion you had, medical or surgical, the stage of your pregnancy, early pregnancy, or ectopic pregnancy. You should talk to your medical provider if you want to conceive. They can assist you in understanding your post-abortion fertility status and provide specific advice based on your situation.

How Can Someone Increase Their Chances Of Getting Pregnant After An Abortion?

There are several ways to increase fertility to become pregnant after an abortion. 

Wait till you heal: Give your body proper time to recover properly. You must wait for one menstrual cycle before trying for a healthy pregnancy. This creates a healthy environment for the embryo, allowing the uterine lining to repair itself.

Track your menstrual cycle: Understanding your menstrual cycle might help you improve your pregnancy chances. 

Track your ovulation time:

  • Examine your monthly cycles.
  • Watch for ovulation symptoms such as changes in cervical mucus and spotting.
  • Use ovulation predictor kits.
  • Engage in sexual activity in your fertile window, often a few days before and after ovulation.
  • All these can help you locate the exact timing of your ovulation cycle.

Keep up a healthy lifestyle: Focus on your lifestyle and try to create a healthy lifestyle. Consume a balanced and healthy diet, work out often, and stay away from smoking and excessive alcohol and other drugs. Your lifestyle choices impact your reproductive health.

Prenatal vitamins: Taking a prenatal vitamin containing folic acid before becoming pregnant is a very good step. It is helpful for the growth of the fetus, and it helps in keeping away some birth abnormalities.

Ask for help: An abortion is emotionally disturbing, whether it is an induced abortion or surgical abortion. Do not feel hesitant to seek help about your condition and to know when you can get pregnant after an abortion.

Becoming pregnant is a complicated process that might take a long time, even in perfect conditions. If you’ve been trying to become pregnant for some months but haven’t succeeded, think about talking with a healthcare professional. They can assess any fertility problem if it exists and treat that accordingly.

When Can I Start Planning A Pregnancy After An Abortion?

When Can I Start Planning A Pregnancy After An Abortion?

You may begin making pregnancy plans after an abortion anytime you feel mentally and physically prepared. However, it’s often advised to hold off on conceiving again for at least one menstrual cycle. 

Care for yourself to heal properly during this time so that your uterine lining is ready for a safe pregnancy. Before starting a new pregnancy journey, you must be physically and mentally ready. Abortions are difficult emotional events, so emotional healing is also important. You may concentrate on your emotional healing by meditation, engaging in physical activity, and managing stress. 

When you plan to get pregnant, prenatal vitamins with folic acid are recommended since they may aid in the growth of the fetus. Check your fertility window, and educate yourself about ovulation and its signs. Perform pregnancy tests after every cycle to be sure about the time you get pregnant.

You may improve your fertility by using this information to make wise choices. Pregnancy planning is a personal choice, and there is no silver bullet that helps every lady. Take the time you need, and seek personalized guidance from your healthcare professional. 

Can You Ovulate 8 Days After Abortion?

The simple answer is Yes! You can consider yourself fertile 8 days after the abortion. But every woman’s physiology is different, and the timing might vary.

In a normal menstrual cycle, ovulation happens around 14 days before the start of the coming menstrual period. However, the fertility window may change after a pregnancy termination. Some women may ovulate sooner than they think, even before their first menstrual period.

Remembering the precise time of ovulation may be difficult, particularly in the days immediately after an abortion. When ovulation is expected, it might be beneficial to monitor ovulation symptoms like changes in cervical mucus, breast soreness, pelvic pain, light spotting or discharge, or use ovulation predictor kits. 

You can be more likely to become pregnant if you closely look for these signs. But you must know that each woman’s capability to conceive after an abortion will vary.

Talk to the healthcare professional if you have any worries or queries regarding your fertility issues. They can help you understand your post-abortion fertility status and provide personalized advice based on your situation.

Does The Type Of Abortion Procedure Affect The Timing Of Ovulation?

Yes, the method of abortion may have an impact on when ovulation occurs. Surgical and medical abortions are the two basic forms of abortion procedures. Depending on the technique, the impact on ovulation timing may be different.

Medical Abortion: In a medical abortion, the pregnancy is ended with hormonal drugs such as mifepristone and misoprostol. It just takes a few days to a week after taking the medication for the embryo to leave the uterus.

Women who choose medical abortion may experience strong uterine contractions in the form of cramps and often nausea and vomiting. 97% of women find medical abortions successful and easy. After an abortion, ovulation usually restarts within a few weeks. Some women may ovulate early, even before their next menstrual cycle. 

Surgical Abortion: A medical professional performs surgery to remove the fetus from the uterus. In surgical abortions, suction or curettage is the most common technique. Your pregnancy should be of at least 3 months to have this treatment.

First, a thin tube is inserted into the uterus after dilating the cervix. A suction approach is used to remove the fetus and placenta altogether. Another piece of medical equipment called a curette is used to check the emptiness of the uterus. This procedure takes about 15 minutes.

The surgical procedure known as dilation and evacuation (D&E) is performed in the second trimester, between 13 and 24 weeks of gestation. The procedure is the same as suction but with additional instruments and steps to dilate the cervix:

  1. Hormone-blocking pills like ‘misoprostol’ are consumed orally or inserted vaginally to dilate the cervix. The dilaton occurs for 2 hours. Sometimes, another pill,’ mifepristone,’ is used 1-2 days before an abortion.
  2. To widen the cervix, a device expands it for several hours until it is sufficiently widened to perform an abortion. Medication may also be used for this, and abortion should be done after 2 days.

There may be serious complications with a surgical abortion, including:

Hemorrhage:  The post-abortion bleeding should be similar to menstrual bleeding. if there is excessive bleeding may indicate an incomplete abortion as some tissue from the fetus is left behind in the uterus. It is known as the retained product of conception. Medication or surgery like suction curettage is performed if this occurs.

Infection:  A high temperature could indicate infection if you are feeling unwell. Two main reasons can cause infections. Incomplete abortion and any sexually transmitted disease. Sometimes pelvic inflammatory disease can cause an infection, which is treated with antibiotics.

Injury to the uterus: The membranes of the uterus are soft and muscular and can get damaged due to the surgical instruments used during surgery, resulting in perforating the uterus. An abdominal infection (peritonitis) may result from this, but this is rare. This type of injury is uncommon; if it occurs, it needs to be treated right away.

Injury to the cervix:  As the abortion is performed on the widened cervix, multiple abortions can weaken the muscles of the cervix. This is also known as an ‘incompetent’ cervix, and it can result in complications in future pregnancies if the cervix is too weak to remain completely closed.

After a surgical abortion

After a surgical abortion, follow your doctor’s instructions on how to look after yourself and lower your risk of infection. The most important first 2 weeks after the abortion are crucial, along with the first few days of bleeding.

  • You must not bathe; instead, take a shower.
  • Avoid being sexually active.
  • Avoid using tampons and menstrual cups and instead, use sanitary pads. 
  • Must not swim.

Following a surgical abortion, ovulation may occur at different times. Similar to medical abortion, some women may rebound ovulation within a few weeks, while others may have a minor delay. 

The complexity of the procedure performed, any difficulties that arise during the abortion, and individual variances in the healing process may all influence the time of ovulation.

You must know that every woman’s biology is different, and regardless of the abortion procedure, there can be a fluctuation in the fertility window after abortion. Consult your gynecologist and ask him or her if the abortion affects future pregnancies. 

Is It Safe for Me To Get Pregnant After an Abortion?

Once your body has completely recovered from an abortion, it is safe to get pregnant. You must talk with your medical professional to ensure your condition is addressed.

However, it is necessary to give your body time to heal properly and take proper guidance from your doctor when it is safe to get pregnant. Emotional healing is also an important step to consider for a healthy reproductive cycle. 

Final Thoughts

Fertility after abortion is a delicate matter that needs special attention. We all know that every lady has unique body and healing powers. Time is always the best healer, so allow your body to recover from this damage. But remember that patience is a virtue. Wait to be fully ready to get pregnant again.

Getting pregnant after an abortion is a lovely experience, but you must make yourself a priority and take care of your health. With an understanding of the complications that can occur after a terminated pregnancy, you can avoid this from happening again. As it is said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Stephanie Edenburgh

I'm Steph, a mom to 3 beautiful children and lover all things having to do with my family and being a mom. I've learned a lot raising my own children and working in education and healthcare roles throughout my career. Living in beautiful Southern California I enjoy documenting and writing about all of the hard work us mom's do on a daily basis.

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